Pakistanis' Development Project
The GAC has recently unveiled an exciting new strategic plan: Pakistani’s development is transformative, innovative learning project.
The plan embraces bold and innovative thinking, organizational and sector disruption, NPO and academia partnership, NPO and government partnership, NPO, industry, business and government partnerships, and long-term financial viability while supporting an ultimate goal: ensuring The GAC and their partners improve the social and economic well-being of Pakistan and its people.
The Global Alliance Canada Org's advocacy, social media campaigns, mentorship, motivational speaking, business training, human rights projects, entrepreneurial consultancy, and policy resolutions are the change you wish to see in Pakistan.
The Global Alliance Canada Org visions Pakistan with topmost education and training standards globally, a self-sustaining nation with strong business industry.
The Global Alliance Canada supports human rights and focuses on Research, Education Training, Businesses and Peace globally while incorporating the most successful leadership skills. Their mission is to empower individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, businesses, governments and nations.
Canada- Pakistan ICT Forum
"A new ICTC (Information Communication Technology Council of Canada) report, Digital Economy Supply:
Canada’s Post-Secondary Education Stream shows that 216,000 ICT roles will need to be filled in Canada by 2021.
As one of the fastest-growing demographic groups in Canada, the report estimates that by 2021 the Indigenous workforce in ICT will increase by 45,000. By 2026 that number could be 72,000 and as high as 103,500 by 2031.
The current 2019 report shows that all major sectors of the Canadian economy need ICT workers. In 2019, 66% of ICT workers worked in non-ICT sectors, while 34% worked in the ICT sector.
These proportions were unchanged from 2018 and have been remarkably stable in the last ten years; in 2009, 33% of ICT workers worked in the ICT sector, while 67% worked in other industries.
Predicting future needs, Canada is one of the best markets for Pakistani IT Companies to secure outsourcing business. Due to COVID-19, ICT Jobs and Outsourcing opportunities are increasing.
Canada-Pakistan ICT Forum is being organized for the last four years. This year due to COVID-19, they have reshaped their event into Virtual Exhibition. In continuation of Pakistan-Canada ICT Forum 2019, Pegasus Consultancy Canada Inc. is organizing Canada-Pakistan ICT Forum 2020 VIRTUAL Exhibition. The tentative dates are August. 04-05, 2020.
More than 7000 Technology Expert, Venture Capitalists, Investors and Startup Mentors will be attending this event virtually. This is the best opportunity to have B2B networking virtually in the marketplace." ~pegasusconsultancy